
“Founded in 1985, each Yuketen article begins with utmost thought and research and is constructed solely by aged hands of high-skill and years of experience. Yuketen’s meticulous quality and artistic aesthetic is a testimony to the passion of these skilled and dedicated hands. Careful consideration is invested in selecting all components and raw materials for Yuketen articles - such as buttery and supple oiled leathers tanned in America, smooth and silky full-grain flesh-out leather and suede tanned in Toscana, Italy, vegetable-tanned leathers that is tanned in Mexico using only natural energy and resources by primitive and traditional method - are instrumental to ensure product longevity and durability. The final touches that complete a Yuketen product are the lifework of the owner; folds, creases, scuffs, and scratches from hard wearing, fingerprints, footprints, or the shiny patina from constant contact with one’s skin. These physical rewards exist permanently as traces of reliable service in the line of duty. Yuketen pride is derived from the knowledge that our footwear and luggage are the envy of every man and woman with a spirit of adventure. May you enjoy the products of our labor wherever your journey takes you…”

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